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Join JTA’s Weekly Quiz Show

Are you ready to test how much you've been paying attention to Jewish news and pop culture every week?

Introducing You Call That News?!?, the new weekly quiz show from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Join the fun every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm ET!
Here's how it works:

• Join JTA on Zoom on your desktop or laptop, Thursday night at 7:30 pm ET.
• Get the quiz platform, Kahoot, ready in advance. Open up on your phone or download the Kahoot app. (Going to on your computer will work as well, but it will be easier to participate on your phone.)
• Watch on Zoom to get the quiz ID # each week.
• Enter the ID on Kahoot, then play along as our host, Rabbi Benjamin Resnick, guides you through the questions.
• As the game goes on, see how you stack up against competitors from across the world!

Jewish educator and quiz show impresario Rabbi Benjamin Resnick will entertain — and stump! — you each week.


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