Apr 24, 2023
14-Year Partnership with Yerucham Remains Strong

Prior to the week-long Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission, which concluded yesterday, members of the Miami-Yerucham Partnership Committee visited Federation partner city Yerucham to explore current and future collaborations between the two communities. The group, which included representatives from two of Miami’s Federation-funded JCCs, met with members of the local community and viewed Miami-Yerucham partnership projects in action. In addition to meeting Yerucham Mayor Tal Ohana, the group explored various joint initiatives, including one focusing on social justice issues with students from Yerucham, Florida International University and University of Miami. The committee members also toured Youth Futures, which aids at-risk children, and MindCET, a pioneer in entrepreneurial education working with Federation’s Center for Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) on a “teacherpreneur” program. “To visit Yerucham is to visit family,” said Mytyl Simancas-Bister, Miami-Yerucham Partnership Chair, adding, “During the last 14 years, the partnership has strengthened the bond between the two communities through the people-to-people projects that we fund and participate in.”
In addition, CAJE developed and coordinates the Jewish Resource Specialist (JRS), a Federation-funded pilot program for early childhood educators who travel to Yerucham to cultivate a personal relationship to Israel. CAJE also supports a robotics program at the Yerucham Science Center, which creates connections between science and technology teachers in Yerucham and Miami. Concluded Simancas-Bister, “The impact that the partnership has had so far will be felt in generations to come and both communities will continue to grow closer.”