Aug 1, 2023
MBJCC Takes Gold at Maccabi Games

Team Miami Beach, representing the Miami Beach Jewish Community Center (MBJCC), a Greater Miami Jewish Federation partner agency, scored a gold medal in soccer at the 2023 JCC Maccabi Games in Israel, which took place July 5-25. More than 3,000 Jewish teens from around the world, ages 14-17, participated in the largest international Jewish youth sports event, which included more than 1,000 athletes from the US alone. “JCC Maccabi is about Jewish peoplehood – coming together as one nation wherever we may live,” posted the host organization on Facebook. The Olympic-style competitions were held over 10 days in Haifa, with the remaining time spent touring the country and attending social and cultural events.
Team Miami Beach included 11 athletes who competed in a variety of events. Two of them played on the winning 17-U soccer team alongside teammates from Morocco, Ukraine and Israel. The multi-national team, a common configuration in the Maccabi Games, had only an hour and a half to practice before the match. For many participants, this was their first encounter with Jewish religion and culture outside of Hebrew school and becoming a B'nai Mitzvah, and the learning experience extended far beyond the playing field.
“It was so special to watch our teens experience the magic of JCC Maccabi in our homeland, to forge lifelong memories and strong connections with each other, to the Jewish people and to Israel each in their own unique way,” said Stacey Hatch, MBJCC Fitness and Gymnastics Director, who serves as Team Miami Beach Delegation Head. “When we all look back, there is no doubt we will all say JCC Maccabi in Israel changed and impacted us for the rest of our lives.”
The Maccabi Games continue August 6-11 right here in South Florida at the David Posnack JCC in Davie. Team Miami Beach will bring 35 athletes to compete with teens ages 12-16 from around the globe. Click here for more information.