Jul 13, 2023
Learn How to Share Your Grandparents’ Holocaust Survivor Story With 3GMiami

Federation is proud to support the work of 3GMiami, Descendants of Holocaust Survivors, a new beneficiary of our Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign. The initiative teaches the grandchildren of Survivors (third generation or 3Gs) how to present their grandparents’ testimonies and share how the personal experiences shaped their lives and family history. Following extensive training, students visit 6th-12th grade classrooms around Miami virtually or in person to tell their story and underscore the importance of standing up to antisemitism, intolerance and all forms of hatred. One teacher recently said, “My students will never forget the lessons [they learned] … I think what you are creating through 3GMiami has the potential to change lives and possibly the world.” Sign up for their fall speaker training classes now. The program, conducted via Zoom, takes place on five consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning October 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. To sign up or learn more, email signup@3GMiami.org.