Mar 24, 2022
Help Tell the Story of Holocaust Survivors With 3G Speaker Training

Are you a grandchild of a Holocaust Survivor? Learn how to tell their story with 3G Miami. The Federation-supported organization is offering a unique speaker training program to help share your grandparent’s testimony with students in Miami. The spring training classes will be held via Zoom on Tuesdays, April 5, 12 and 26 and Tuesday, May, 10 from 7-9 p.m. The professionally led classes will teach participants how to best articulate personal stories and histories of survival so students can learn about the legacy of the Holocaust, the dangers of unchecked hatred, antisemitism and intolerance to ensure that the atrocities never happen again. The curriculum includes creating a story, adding personal elements and practicing presentations with students and facilitators providing feedback and support. Participants must attend all sessions and space is limited. For more information and to register, click here.