Feb 2, 2022
Join Federation in Standing Strong For Israel

Earlier this week, Amnesty International-UK released a document accusing Israel of being an “apartheid” state. The document offers false, blatantly antisemitic allegations and double standards that fail to portray Israel as the democratic, Jewish state that it is. This is the type of libelous document used by bodies like the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council and its Commission of Inquiry to unjustly attack Israel. Sadly, this will only give fuel to organizations and governmental bodies that seek to boycott and harm the Jewish state and the Jewish people.
Join the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, along with countless organizations across the country and thousands of individuals, in signing onto a letter, authored by Jewish Federations of North America, calling upon the UN Secretary General to make it clear that it is unacceptable for UN institutions to use their global platform to unfairly target Israel and thus foster antisemitism; to end the Human Rights Council’s biased Commission of Inquiry; and to emphasize that the Amnesty International report should not be used by the UN or its bodies to further unfairly and disproportionately target Israel. The deadline to sign the letter and stand strong with Israel is 9 a.m. on Monday, February 7.