Oct 12, 2022
Federation Overseas Partner Opens New Absorption Center

“Our work doesn’t stop when the plane touches down,” tweeted Federation overseas partner The Jewish Agency for Israel. “We were thrilled to open the Kalanit Absorption Center in Ashkelon … to welcome immigrants with open arms and the support they need to successfully transition to life in Israel.” The Jewish Agency, which facilitates aliyah by Jews from all over the world, is also instrumental in the resettlement of olim (immigrants) once they arrive in Israel, providing absorption centers to house and acclimate them to their new life. Pnina Tamano-Shata, Minister of Immigrant Absorption and an immigrant from Ethiopia herself, and Jewish Agency Chairman Doron Almog officiated the ribbon cutting ceremony. Residents of the center spend up to six months attending ulpan (intensive Hebrew classes) and receiving guidance in finding a job and assimilating into Israeli society. This past year, as Israel welcomed the highest number of olim in 20 years, The Jewish Agency assisted 60,000 immigrants from 93 countries in their aliyah to Israel.