Apr 8, 2019
Sobriety Success in the Jewish Community
Recovering addicts and their families are finding comfort within Miami’s Jewish community. Recovery Through a Jewish Lens, a program supported by a Federation Jewish Incubator Grant and organized by Temple Beth Am, is working to end the stigma around addiction. Comprised of educational, religious and enrichment activities, the initiative also includes a Clean and Sober Seder on Sunday, April 14 at Temple Beth Am, which will support recovery through the Passover story of redemption. The Annual Federation/UJA Campaign provides funding for the Jewish Incubator Grants.
Recovery Through a Jewish Lens offers a multi-faceted approach to achieveing sobriety and includes an ongoing, monthly, serenity support and educational group for both recovering addicts and their families. The gatherings provide a Jewish spiritual context for the healing process.
As part of the program, Temple Beth Am recently hosted an innovative and powerful musical performance. Written and performed by recovering addicts from Beit T’Shuvah Synagogue and Recovery Center in Los Angeles, the first Jewish faith-based residential recovery facility, Freedom Song is the story of Passover combined with personal journeys of addiction. Using song, dance, laughter and tears, Freedom Song poses the question: What are you a slave to?
Jewish Incubator Grants support impactful programs that make a difference in Miami’s Jewish community. For more information about Jewish incubator grants, contact Flora Akselrad at fakselrad@gmjf.org or 786.866.8498.