Dec 23, 2021
Jewish Community Helping Afghan Refugees Settle in Miami

The Miami Herald recently highlighted the Jewish community’s work in resettling Afghan refugees arriving in Miami. Federation is collaborating with our primary human services partner Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS) and HIAS, a global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, to give the arrivals a start in Miami through JCS’ Refugee Assistance Program (J-RAP). The refugees, who have left everything behind, are provided with food, housing, clothing, toiletries and other necessities, as well as ongoing help as they acclimate to their surroundings. JCS and HIAS receive yearly allocations from Federation's Annual Campaign, which supports community partners and provides the infrastructure that enables them to answer emergency needs at a moment’s notice. Please click here to read the Miami Herald article on the efforts helping Afghan refugees. Click here to volunteer with J-RAP.