Jun 2, 2022
Ariel Bentata Named Chair Of Board At The Annual Meeting

Last night, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation elected Ariel Bentata as the Chair of the Board of Directors and Lily Serviansky as Board Vice Chair and General Campaign Chair during our 84th Annual Meeting. Beginning July 1, Ariel will succeed Isaac K. “Ike” Fisher, who has served as Board Chair for the past two years. Annual Meeting participants also elected a full slate of Officers and Board of Directors members for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Ariel most recently served as Federation’s Board Vice Chair and General Campaign Chair. He received our prestigious Stanley C. Myers Presidents’ Leadership Award in 2011. He also has served as Federation’s International Division leader and took on key leadership roles in our 2012 and 2018 Mega Missions to Israel. Lily, a longtime Board of Directors member of Federation, has served as Chair of Major Gifts; Chair of The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation; Chair of Federation subsidiary the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education; and Vice Chair of Federation's Israel at 70 Mission.