Sep 8, 2021
Federation Partners With Ayiti to Bring Help to Haiti

Generous donations to Federation’s Earthquake Relief Fund, established immediately following the disaster in Haiti, have allowed us to partner with Ayiti Community Trust (ACT), a North Miami nonprofit organization directly helping those most affected in the island nation. A Federation grant will allow the organization to reach more than 3,000 families in two rural communities and be actively involved in their relief, recovery and reconstruction process. The three-phase process will continue at least through the end of the year and includes building transitional shelters, preparing schools for student arrivals, supporting mental health and assisting farmers. Federation is also supporting the efforts of our on-the-ground partners the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, CADENA and IsraAID as they respond to the tragedy. If you have not yet made a donation to Federation’s Earthquake Relief Fund and would like to do so now, please click here.