May 23, 2023
Mishkan Miami and Children’s Bereavement Center Partner for Bereavement Facilitator Training Program

Participants of the Bereavement Facilitator Training Program, a joint project of Federation’s Mishkan Miami and the Children’s Bereavement Center (CBC), were honored on Monday, May 22, upon the completion of a two-month course in administering emotional and spiritual care to Jewish community members impacted by loss and grief. The training was conducted online and in person, with Mishkan Miami providing the Jewish and spiritual components and CBC teaching the psycho-social aspects through grief-informed education. In addition to learning techniques for providing compassionate and effective grief support, volunteers were taught Jewish strategies for finding meaning, rebuilding hope and enhancing resilience for those experiencing grief. The 27 program participants received a certificate of completion and are well prepared to support individuals and families in our Jewish community. Abramm Kupfer described the impact of the training: “A single act of kindness is so powerful in giving hope. Even a smile when you pass someone on the street could change that person’s outlook.” Noted CBC CEO Debra Albo-Steiger, “We will expand this [grief] support through further collaboration with Mishkan Miami; we all must work together to ensure that no one grieves alone.”