Mar 28, 2023
National Young Leadership Cabinet Retreat

Earlier this month, 10 leaders from Miami joined with 175 of their peers for the Jewish Federations of North America Young Leadership Cabinet Study Mission to Estonia, Latvia and Hungary – the largest mission of its kind in history. The participants, in their 30s and 40s, visited Jewish sites of historical significance, including former Jewish ghettos and Holocaust memorials; sites operated by Federation’s partner agencies, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), The Jewish Agency for Israel and World ORT; and schools, summer camps and JCCs that are helping to rebuild and revitalize Jewish life in Eastern Europe. A particularly touching day was spent meeting with Ukrainian refugees at the JDC-funded Camp Szarvas, a location for respite for Jewish Ukrainian families while their country is at war. “The Cabinet Study Mission was extremely memorable and an amazing opportunity to see how dollars raised in Miami can go to support and strengthen Jewish communities around the world,” said Miami participant Michelle Kahan.