Dec 7, 2022
Make a Donation Now

Your Jewish community needs you! While many of us are preparing to ring in the New Year with joyous celebrations, individuals and families in our midst are struggling. Around the corner, the country and the globe, our Jewish brothers and sisters are experiencing historic challenges from a number of different angles. With aliyah unseen since 1991, unprecedented antisemitism necessitating an increased commitment to community security and a CPI (consumer price index) that has risen 36% in the past five years, your increased donation to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign is critically needed at this time. Your generosity enables Federation and our partners to meet these rising costs and bring help and hope to those facing tremendous difficulties. If you have not already done so, please consider contributing to the Annual Federation/UJA Campaign by clicking here. We are tremendously grateful for your help and dedication to tikkun olam (repairing the world), which allows us to continue our holy work.