Nov 4, 2021
Helping Families Experiencing Food Insecurity

While the latest statistics thankfully show COVID-19 cases dropping, individuals and families in our community continue to face food insecurity as a result of the economic fallout from the pandemic. Last week, Federation’s free Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru provided 375 families kosher beef and chicken, fresh produce, milk, challah and an array of non-perishables that will help them fill their fridges and pantries. Partners in the food drive include Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC), our primary human service agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Repair the World Miami, Farm Share and Miami-Dade County. We are also grateful to a number of generous donors, whose philanthropic commitment allows us to continue our work. Our next food distribution will be Thursday, November 18 at Federation Headquarters, 4200 Biscayne Boulevard. Cars will enter the parking lot via the northbound lane of Federal Highway. Participants must remain in their cars and wear masks. All CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines will be followed.