Dec 7, 2022
Federation Stands Strong Against Antisemitism

The Board of Directors of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation met last month and discussed the rising tide of antisemitism and the efforts our Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is undertaking — both locally and nationally — to combat this virulent form of hatred. Two guest speakers joined the meeting to explain how partnerships with our Federation have been a critical component in responding to recent antisemitic incidents. Rabbi Jonah Zinn, University of Florida Hillel Executive Director, spoke about the University's multifaceted response following the October 29 football game where antisemitic messages were projected multiple times on the side of the stadium. Hillel's positive relationship and strong partnership with the administration enabled a swift response, including this video that aired at the final home football game of the season. Additionally, Pinecrest Police Chief Jason Cohen shared the varied ways in which law enforcement is addressing the dramatic increase in antisemitic incidents. Click here to read more about Federation's work and the dozens of initiatives we have shaped with our partners to stand strong against antisemitism.