Aug 7, 2023
Fighting Antisemitism on College Campuses

Shockingly, recent surveys show that one-third of Jewish college students have directly experienced antisemitic incidents on campus. The Greater Miami Jewish Federation is joining with the Jewish Federations of North America to urge Congress to sign a Bipartisan Letter to Combat Antisemitism on Campus. The letter was authored by the US House Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism and asks the US Department of Education to apply Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and to increase assistance to college campuses dealing with antisemitism. Please click here to send this Action Alert to your member of Congress and please circulate within your networks as well. Our Federation maintains strong support for Jewish college students in our state, allocating nearly $500,000 from our Annual Campaign to seven Florida Hillels, with support including education on fighting antisemitism on campus.