Aug 15, 2023
Forever Lions Run in the Family

Maxine Schwartz has been a proud of Lion Judah for 49 years.
When the Lion of Judah Endowment program was first introduced in 1994 by her longtime friend, Mikki Futernick, she supported it wholeheartedly but didn’t think she would be able to take part. “I did not feel that I could take $100,000 out of our estate to endow my gift, as our estate is not huge. Then, at a Foundation event I attended, the speaker suggested that we should be discussing our estate and legacy with those who would be the recipients. I had never considered such an idea, but once I heard it explained, it made perfect sense to me. I gathered my children together and put forth the possibility of taking $100,000 out of their inheritance to endow my Lion of Judah gift. They all completely endorsed the idea, saying that this is what I have done with my life and I should definitely leave that kind of legacy to the Jewish people.”
Following her children’s support, Maxine made a $100,000 gift to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation in her will to create the Maxine E. Schwartz Lion of Judah Endowment Fund.
Years later, her daughter, Elizabeth Schwartz, followed in her footsteps. She, too, made a gift in her will to create the Elizabeth F. Schwartz and Lydia Martin Lion of Judah Endowment Fund. “I decided to endow my Lion, not only to honor my parents' life work serving the Jewish people, but also because it's clear that work will be needed for generations to come. I'm proud to be a link in that chain. As an estate planning lawyer, I know that one of the most efficient means to leave a legacy is through one's will. It's simple to prepare and execute and it's an easy way to make a substantial difference in the future without taking anything away from one's lifetime needs.”
“When Liz endowed her gift, it was certainly a very proud and validating moment for me. I wish her father – Kenny Schwartz, of blessed memory – could have lived to see this happen. It is especially meaningful because Liz is wearing my mother's pin [who was also a Lion in Miami]. This is truly l'dor v’dor [from generation to generation] – what every parent and grandparent hopes for,” Maxine added.
You can read more of Maxine’s story in Miami’s Book of Life by clicking here.
August is Make-a-Will Month. To learn more about wills, please click here.