Apr 18, 2023
Support Israel Now and Always Through Legacy Giving With The Foundation

Stanley and Lenore Weinstein
Preceding Israel’s 75th anniversary, which the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission is now celebrating, donors to The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation reflect on their commitment to supporting the Jewish homeland through their legacy gifts. “We believe Israel is the best way to ensure our young Jewish adults remain Jewish and committed to the Jewish people,” said Forever Pacesetters Sharon and Howard Socol. “When they participate in Taglit Birthright, they experience our Jewish past and see our Jewish present, they take in the historic and contemporary landscape, they interact with Israelis, and above all, they connect to who they are as Jews.”
Similarly, Lenore and Stanley Weinstein, who are also Forever Pacesetters and currently participating in the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission, are devoted supporters of the Jewish State. “Lenore and I are very proud of our strong ties and commitment to Israel, which is reinforced through our connection with Federation,” states Weinstein. “Our extended family is deeply connected and invested in the State of Israel and we are thrilled to support the Federation and many programs in Israel through our Philanthropic Fund at The Foundation.”

Sharon and Howard Socol
The Socols have been visiting Israel since the late 1980s, touring the country and deepening their knowledge about the diversity of the Israeli population. In addition to becoming Forever Pacesetters, they established an endowment fund to support activities and programs that help Ethiopian Jews and the community of Yerucham, Federation's partner city. "As our exposure to Israel deepened, we became more committed,” they revealed. The Socols favor legacy giving through The Foundation as a means to ensure their contribution will not only benefit the Jewish community and the State of Israel today but also in the future.
The Weinsteins also appreciate the opportunity legacy giving offers to continue their family tradition of tzedakah, and added, “We are also proud to be Forever Pacesetters, which allows us to support our local Jewish community and wherever there are Jews in need to continue forever.”
The Socols concur: “We are committed to Israel because as Jews, Israel is us.”
To learn more about The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, please contact Foundation Director Scott Kaplan at skaplan@gmjf.org or 786.866.8623 or Director of Foundation Development Jill Hagler at jhagler@gmjf.org or 786.866.8627.