Oct 5, 2022
Give Your Child the Gift of Israel

Gift of Israel, a Federation Israel Program Savings Plan, allows you to invest in your child’s future Israel experience and receive matching funds from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and participating synagogues. Your family’s annual contributions of $100 are matched by Federation and select local synagogues to accrue a significant portion of the cost for a number of peer-based Jewish educational programs in Israel. Even if you’re not a member of a participating synagogue, you can still receive the matching contribution from Federation. Participants must be in kindergarten through ninth-grade, residents of Miami-Dade County and remain enrolled in Gift of Israel for a minimum of three years. Friends and relatives may also contribute to the savings plan. Parents Jennie and Jeffrey Bernstein said, “By the time [our children] were ready to go on their high school program, the money made a huge dent in what would otherwise have been an expensive summer.” Click here to learn more or enroll in the Gift of Israel Savings Plan.