Aug 18, 2021
Grant Applications Available for Organizations With Innovative Jewish Programs

Federation is supporting organizations that make a difference in our community and transform Jewish life. Applications are being accepted for three 2022 Federation grant opportunities: Jewish Incubator Grants, Women’s Impact Initiative Grants and for the first time, the Jewish Abilities Alliance Grants. To be considered for Jewish Incubator Grants, projects must strengthen Miami’s Jewish community through innovative and impactful programs. Jewish organizations with creative and forward-thinking ideas that enrich social service, education or Jewish identity-building activities are invited to apply. Women’s Impact Initiative Grants support programs that address obstacles women and girls face with initiatives that promote social, economic and political equality. Federation’s newly-launched Jewish Abilities Alliance Grants will fund projects that develop opportunities for inclusion of individuals with disabilities in Miami’s Jewish community through programs, supplies or physical accommodations. Grant applications for all three opportunities are due by 4 p.m. on Friday, September 3. Click here for more information and to apply.