Jun 14, 2022
Helping Ukrainians Settle in Israel

“I was lucky enough to be part of this operation, leading and coordinating all the processes for the integration of new immigrants living in the Dan Panorama Tel Aviv hotel,” said Vera Doroshenko of The Jewish Agency for Israel. “We started with 86 people and, at the peak of the workload, we managed to accept 578 Ukrainians of Jewish origin.” Through your support of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Ukraine Emergency Fund, Doroshenko and other representatives of Federation overseas partner The Jewish Agency for Israel are bringing comfort and aid to Ukrainians fleeing their war-torn country and resettling in Israel. This assistance includes psychological counseling, food, shelter, clothing and more — even personal grooming services — to assist the new olim (immigrants). You can continue to support these life-changing efforts by making a donation to Federation’s Ukraine Emergency Fund. Every gift will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous donor. Click here to contribute now and double the impact of your philanthropy.