Jul 7, 2022
JDC Hesed Program Connects Ukrainian to Her Jewish Roots

“I didn’t always live a Jewish life,” says Yelena Sorokina, a resident of Odesa, Ukraine. “My father’s family died during the Second World War, and my parents had to evacuate. I didn’t really have a Jewish upbringing. The war erased my Jewish past. My Jewish life began…at the Hesed social welfare center here in Odesa. I started volunteering and since then, I haven’t looked back.” Sorokina still spends time at the center, run by Federation’s overseas partner the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), and has since connected to her Jewish roots. “Hesed showed me what Jewish life looks like — and what it means for Jews to support each other…I learned about Passover, Chanukah and Purim,” she added. Hesed was in Ukraine before the Russian invasion and continues to provide emotional support, food, medicine and homecare, thanks to your donation to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign. Click here to make a meaningful donation now.