Jan 26, 2022
Federation’s HFLA is Shabbat Mishpatim in Action

Exodus 22:24 decrees, “Thou shalt not exact interest from the needy among you.” This Shabbat, Parashat Mishpatim reminds us that giving an interest-free loan is considered an even greater mitzvah than giving charity. For more than 30 years, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Hebrew Free Loan Association of Miami (HFLA) has been dedicated to the value of interest-free lending. During that time, more than $3 million has been distributed through over 1,000 interest-free loans. HFLA offers four types of loans to cover a variety of expenses, including personal, business, emergency and fertility loans. Watch a short video here about what the Torah says about interest-free loans. Click here to learn more about HFLA.