Jun 28, 2022
Fall in Love Again…in Israel

Honeymoon Israel (HMI) is now accepting applications for its January 5-15, 2023 trip, open to young couples with at least one Jewish partner who together wish to explore Israel and their connection to Judaism for nine “exhilarating, romantic and memorable” days. Those selected will journey with 19 other couples from the Miami area in an immersive travel experience through our Jewish homeland, intended to instill in participants the knowledge and desire to build a diverse, inclusive Jewish community at home. Says HMI veteran Katie Miller, who participated this past March, “My husband is Jewish and it was an amazing opportunity to be immersed in Jewish culture and religion. I am a seasoned traveler and this was probably the best trip I have been on.” The deadline to apply for next year’s trip is Thursday, July 28. To learn more, click here or contact Nicole Erdfrocht, Young Leadership Division Director, at nerdfrocht@gmjf.org or 786.866.8448. You may also RSVP here for a virtual informational session on Monday, July 18 at 7 p.m.