Aug 1, 2023
Discover Israel With Your Partner During Honeymoon Miami Israel

Imagine traveling through Israel with your partner and experiencing ancient Jewish traditions and history together. Honeymoon Miami Israel (HMI) can help you do exactly that! Apply now for the nine-day trip to Israel, May 30-June 9, 2024, and explore Israel in luxury with 19 other couples, learning about the country’s culture, beauty and society. In partnership with Federation, HMI helps young couples with at least one Jewish partner bring Jewish life into their homes in a personal and meaningful way. Reflecting on her trip with HMI, Camila Rolnick, said, "HMI gave us a sense of belonging and community. It helped us find the spiritual aspect of our home and relationship that we didn't even know we were missing." To learn more and apply before the September 7 deadline, click here.