Jun 24, 2019
South Dade Moms Prepare for a Trip to Israel
A group of 15 South Dade women is preparing for their Federation-sponsored Momentum Trip to Israel next month, a journey specifically geared toward Jewish mothers with children under the age of 18. The women recently gathered to get ready for this unique experience and enjoy some camaraderie. They learned about Federation’s work in Israel and created a video message for the three moms in Yerucham (Federation’s partnership city) who will be joining them on the trip. During the weeklong journey, they will be inspired to explore their Jewish identity as they visit Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Tsfat, the Negev, Masada and Yerucham and hear from speakers, have meaningful experiences, form new friendships and much more. The group will be empowered to connect to Jewish values, engage with Israel and step up as leaders in their homes and in their Jewish community upon returning.