Jul 7, 2022
Register Now for the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission

More than 650 people have already registered for the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission, April 20-27, 2023! Is your name on the list? Spend five nights in Jerusalem, two nights in Tel Aviv and mark Israel’s milestone 75th anniversary with hundreds of your friends from our Miami Jewish community. Fly to Israel and we’ll take it from there for only $3,975 per person. Hold your spot with a $500 deposit per person, fully refundable until September 30, 2022. Plus, a limited number of young leaders (ages 22-35) can travel at the highly subsidized price of $2,650 per person. Even if you have been to Israel many times before, this is one special journey to cherish for a lifetime. Click here to watch our Israel 75 video and here for more information.