Apr 18, 2023
Israel 75 in Miami

Celebrate Israel 75 in Miami! A number of Federation partners are commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel with celebrations across Miami-Dade County. To mark this milestone Yom Ha’Atzmaut, or Israel Independence Day, which falls on Wednesday, April 26, community events will take place April 25-30 — and everyone is invited! The celebrations will offer family fun, food and music at Miami’s three Federation-supported JCCs: Alper JCC, Miami Beach JCC and Michael-Ann Russell JCC. You won’t want to miss Israeli musical duo Yaoz Magenheim and Tsur Shoham from Federation partner city Yerucham, who will perform popular Israeli songs on piano, flute and guitar; a cantorial concert of Israeli favorites in North Dade, a gala celebration hosted by the Israeli community featuring Yardena Arzi; screenings of award-winning Israeli films from the Miami Jewish Film Festival; and more. Click here to find an Israel 75 celebration to attend.