Apr 6, 2022
JCRC Art Commission Brings Together Black and Jewish Communities

This past Wednesday, approximately 200 participants attended Shine a Light on Antisemitism and Racism: A Black & Jewish Art Collaboration, organized by Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC). Guests heard from a group of distinguished leaders, including civil rights activist Dr. Enid Curtis Pinkney, internationally renowned jazz singer Nicole Henry, JCRC Chair Moj Khaghan Danial and local leader DeAnne Connolly Graham, discuss issues around identity, race and religion and what unites us as Black and Jewish communities. The program debuted two new works by artists David Oxios and Marvin Weeks, inspired by conversations between Black and Jewish community members during Chanukah. “The evening demonstrated the common spirit and hopes that our communities have,” said Danial. “We were thrilled that so many people wanted to engage in these conversations giving us a great opportunity to continue to build community.” The two paintings will be displayed during the coming months at the Historic Ward Rooming House at the Hampton Art Lovers Gallery in Overtown and then will be on display at other Black and Jewish spaces in the future.