Apr 13, 2022
JCRC Joins in Miami Beach Pride Parade

For the second year in a row, Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), together with community partners organized the Jewish community to march in the Miami Beach Pride Parade. About 100 people showed up to demonstrate their support for the LGBTQ+ community. “This was such a powerful experience on a beautiful day — the energy was palpable and contagious,” said Moj Khaghan Danial, JCRC Chair. “It is a privilege to be able to come together as a community to fight for equality.” The afternoon was a celebration of love and inclusion at its best as we marched with members of AJC, BASE Miami, the Israeli Consulate, Keshet, Miami Beach JCC, OneTable, Repair the World, The Tribe and our Young Leadership Division (YLD). Interested in joining us next year? Email communityrelations@gmjf.org.