Mar 24, 2022
Learn About Jewish Life With Base Miami

Young adults can gain a window into Jewish life with a new course led by Rabbi Adam Gindea of Base Miami. The 18-month long course will explore the depth of Judaism, including the flow of the Jewish calendar, celebrations and rituals, home-based practices and traditions, spirituality and more. Held on the second Tuesday of every month, from April 12, 2022-September 12, 2023 at 7:30 p.m., the experience is open to all, regardless of familiarity with Judaism or background, as well as for those interested in conversion. Base Miami, a program of Federation, engages young professionals and families in deep exploration of their Jewish identity in a home-based setting. It focuses on pluralistic educational events and programs that help create stronger connections to community and Judaism. To learn more and to register for the course, click here.