Jan 3, 2023
Federation Distributes Jewish Incubator Grants to Miami Nonprofits

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation has awarded Jewish Incubator Grants to 17 outstanding organizations in Miami. Now in its 10th year, Federation’s Jewish Incubator Grants Committee has allocated funds for innovative and impactful educational and social services that make a difference in the lives of Jewish Miamians. This year’s recipients include Shiranit, a program offering logistical and spiritual support to families during the shiva period of Jewish mourning; Welcome Moshiach’s The Center, which provides emotional support and programming for at-risk Jewish men ages 17-30; and Yiddishkayt Initiative’s YI LOVE Play Readings, a series of dramatic readings highlighting Jewish culture and history. Said Charles Penan, Jewish Incubator Grants Committee Co-Chair, “We’re honored to support a diverse group of organizations committed to helping our South Florida community.” Click here to see a complete list of the 2023 Jewish Incubator Grant recipients.