Aug 18, 2021
Volunteer at the Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru

Calling all volunteers: Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC) needs your help at our next Free Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru, taking place Thursday, August 26 at Federation Headquarters, 4200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami. For more than a year, Federation has been supporting members of our community facing food insecurity due to the pandemic with bi-weekly, COVID-19 safe food distribution events. Participants will receive fresh produce, challah, kosher meat, non-perishables and a few special treats to enhance Rosh Hashanah celebrations. This no-contact, hands-on volunteer opportunity follows all CDC guidelines. Items are placed into the trunks of participants’ cars. Click here to volunteer or contact Lori Tabachnikoff, JVC Director at Partners include Federation’s JVC, our primary human service agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Repair the World Miami, Farm Share and Miami-Dade County. Additionally, we are grateful to a number of generous donors for their support, whose loyalty allows us to continue our work.