Jan 12, 2022
Federation Helps Those Facing Food Insufficiency

On Friday, January 21, from 9-11 a.m., hundreds of cars will once again line up for Federation’s Free Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru. In an effort to support individuals facing food insufficiency fill their fridges and pantries during this second year of the pandemic, packages of kosher chicken, fresh produce, milk, eggs, challah, dry goods and other supplies will be placed in the trunks of their cars. The distribution will take place at Federation Headquarters, 4200 Biscayne Boulevard. Partners in the food drive include Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC), our primary human service agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Repair the World Miami and Farm Share. We are grateful to a number of generous donors for their support, whose loyalty allows us to continue our work. Cars will enter the parking lot via the northbound lane of Federal Highway. Participants must remain in their cars and wear masks. All CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines will be followed.