Oct 18, 2022
Join Your Jewish Community to Commemorate Kristallnacht

Come together with Miami’s Jewish community to commemorate the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass on Sunday, November 6, beginning at 6 p.m., at the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach. The Kristallnacht remembrance ceremony is the first event of Holocaust Education Week, November 6-11, an annual series of community events dedicated to teaching about the Shoah. If you cannot attend in person, the program will be livestreamed. Along with prayers, musical interludes and presentations by local community leaders, the evening will include testimony from Wendy Reiss Rothfield, who will recount how she and her family escaped from Vienna, Austria just before Kristallnacht. Considered to be a harbinger of the Holocaust, Kristallnacht resulted in the deaths of 91 Jews and the incarceration of 30,000 Jews in concentration camps. Click here for more information on attending in person or watching the livestream on JewishMiami.org/kristallnacht. The Kristallnacht commemoration is organized by the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.