Jan 25, 2023
Holocaust Survivors Asked to Participate in Last Chance Testimony

Holocaust Survivors who have yet to record video testimony of their Holocaust-era experiences are urged to participate in the Last Chance Testimony Collection Initiative, a program of the University of Southern California (USC) Shoah Foundation dedicated to permanently archiving Survivors’ personal stories to educate people around the world. The testimonies act as a bridge across generations, spark connections and create lasting impact by offering Survivors’ accounts — in their own words — of life before, during and after the Holocaust, including living through the pandemic, contemporary antisemitism, racism. In cooperation with the Shoah Foundation, WPEC/CBS 12 in West Palm Beach is providing production space, equipment and staff to assist in recording new testimonies from Survivors living in South Florida. If you or someone you know would like to participate in this important project, you may call the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach at 305.538.1663. The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach is a Committee of Federation.