Jun 13, 2023
Federation Prioritizes Israeli Food Insecurity

“Thanks to Leket Israel, many families who don’t have the ability to put food in their refrigerators can prepare meals or peel a fruit or send their child to school with dignity,” said Netanela, a single mom and client of Israel’s national food bank. Leket Israel, the country’s leading food rescue organization and a recipient of Federation funding, has been helping Israelis experiencing food insufficiency for 20 years, redirecting surplus produce and meals to a network of 265 nonprofits. The escalated cost of living has significantly impacted Israel’s elderly and lower-income families, who were already struggling to put food on the table. In response, the food bank has committed to providing 236,000 Israelis with more than 66 million lbs. of rescued food in 2023. In addition, Leket Israel is supplying 17 high schools with hot meals daily and providing student families from five elementary schools participating in a nutrition education program with weekly allotments of fresh produce. Shared Netanela with appreciation, “The food I receive from Leket Israel fills our stomachs, our hearts and our home.”