Aug 10, 2022
Miami Teens Compete in JCC Maccabi Games in San Diego

Mazal tov to the teens who represented Miami’s three Jewish community centers and competed in the 2022 JCC Maccabi Games in San Diego. Teams from the Miami Beach JCC (MBJCC), Michael-Ann Russell JCC (MARJCC) and Alper JCC made our community proud in basketball, volleyball, flag football, tennis, dance and more. This year marked the 40th anniversary of these JCC Maccabi Games, the largest sporting event for Jewish teens in the world, with more than 1,500 participants representing 57 JCCs from around the globe. It also introduced the Access Games, a pilot initiative that provided Jewish teens who have cognitive and developmental disabilities with a meaningful and integrated JCC Maccabi experience. MBJCC took home the Gold and MARJCC earned Silver in Boys Basketball 16U, and MBJCC won Silver in Girls Volleyball. Alper JCC's Victoria Codias scored Gold in Competitive Dance, and Colby Berman garnered eight honors for his role in the first Access Games. Next year’s JCC Maccabi Games will be in both Fort Lauderdale and Israel.