Aug 29, 2022
Rabbi Mario Rojzman Elected President Of Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami

A hearty Mazal Tov to Rabbi Mario Rojzman, spiritual leader of Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus, who was elected President of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami (RAGM). "I am honored to have been chosen by my colleagues, and I believe this speaks to all that the Latin American Jewish community has brought to Miami,” said Rojzman, who was born in Argentina. “We are all connected by the beauty of our values... and together we look to the Torah for truth.” We are also grateful to Rabbi Rachel Greengrass, who completed her term and will now serve as Immediate Past President. Rabbi Frederick Klein, RAGM Executive Director, said, “Rabbi Rojzman is an individual who understands the value of coming together and uniting our diverse Jewish community. He is a person with a huge heart and actions to back that up. It’s an honor be working with him.” Founded in 1935, RAGM includes approximately 80 rabbis of all denominations who work closely with Federation in a variety of areas.