Oct 18, 2022
Don’t Miss the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission, April 20-27, 2023, will be a celebration to remember! Will you be there? Participants will spend five nights in Jerusalem and two nights in Tel Aviv touring many of the top sites in Israel, with VIP access and experiences few others can match. One such opportunity will be a visit to the ANU Museum of the Jewish People, formerly known as the Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora. Following a decade-long renovation and reimagination, the Museum tells the story of world Jewry through many generations to present time, celebrating the multiculturalism of the Jewish people and the breadth of global Jewish heritage. Immediate Past Board Chair Isaac K. “Ike” Fisher, who is well acquainted with ANU’s transformation, says, “The museum… gives us a look at the diverse nature of the Jewish Diaspora and… shows Israelis their connection to Am Israel around the world.” Click here to learn more about the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission and to reserve your spot for only $3,975 per person.