Sep 14, 2022
Apply Now For Mishkan Miami’s Refuat Ha-Nefesh

Federation’s Mishkan Miami is accepting applications for Refuat Ha-Nefesh, a unique Jewish spiritual care volunteer training program. Jewish community members ages 21 and older are invited to apply for this rewarding experience helping older adults in need of support or companionship. Former Refuat Ha-Nefesh fellow Denise Dunager shares, “I started volunteering at an assisted living facility on Thursdays and enjoyed it so much, I quickly added bringing challot on Fridays to my weekly routine.” Mishkan Miami Director Rabbi Frederick L. Klein explains, “When we care for others, we are not doing them a favor. They are doing us the favor as we are enlarging our own humanity.” In addition to supervised volunteer activities, participants will engage in a mitzvah project. Sessions will be offered Tuesday evenings beginning November 1 through May 2, 2023, both on Zoom and in person. The application deadline is October 14. Click here to apply. For information, contact Mishkan Miami at or 786.866.8411.