Jul 27, 2022
More Than 700 People Have Already Registered for the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission

You’re invited to experience Israel like you’ve never dreamed it on Federation’s Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission, April 20-27, 2023. Nearly 700 people have already registered, and the excitement around the journey is palpable. It is not only about the unparalleled Mega Events — six in total — uniting all participants for Voices of Israel: Celebrating Israel 75 at the Caesarea Amphitheatre; an evening extravaganza with a breathtaking light show across the desert sky; a meaningful Yom Ha’Zikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) commemoration; and of course, a thrilling celebration to mark Israel’s 75th anniversary on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, to name a few. And it is not only about the extensive daily touring and exploring of the many wonders of our Jewish homeland, both ancient and cutting-edge. Or even only about the fabulous first-rate accommodations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It’s about traveling together, with hundreds of your best friends from Miami’s Jewish community, as a community, to celebrate the miracle of Israel at 75. Click here to register before it’s too late. Deposits are fully refundable until Friday, September 30. Click here to learn more.