Aug 22, 2023
New Olim Head Back to School

It’s back-to-school time in Israel, too, and Federation’s longtime overseas partner, The Jewish Agency for Israel, is ensuring Israel’s newest citizens are prepared to learn on their first day of school. Earlier this month, 160 soon-to-be first- graders celebrated the new school year at the Israel Aquarium. The children — all of whom are new olim (immigrants) and living in Jewish Agency absorption centers — received backpacks and supplies so they are ready to take on a new school year. Residents of the center spend up to six months attending ulpan (intensive Hebrew classes) and receiving guidance in assimilating into Israeli society. Last year, more than 76,000 people made Israel their home. Click here to make a secure online donation to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign, which helps our partners support new olim, along with many other important programs.