Feb 24, 2022
Register for the Pre-Mission to Poland

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Join your Miami community as we bear witness to the tragedy of the Holocaust on the Pre-Mission to Poland, April 17-19, 2023. Chaired by Ricardo and Stephanie Halfen and Sidney Pertnoy, this opportunity precedes Federation's Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission and includes meaningful visits to historic sites in Krakow and Warsaw, along with concentration camps at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Treblinka. Participants will also join the International March of the Living on Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) when they will trace the footsteps of the millions of Jews who marched from Auschwitz to Birkenau to honor the 6 million who were murdered. Following your powerful journey through Poland, you will fly directly to Israel to join hundreds of others celebrating the strength and success of the Jewish people and the 75th anniversary of the State of the Israel. The cost for both the Pre-Mission to Poland and the Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission is $7,950 per person, double occupancy, land only, including tips and flight from Poland to Israel. Click here for more information and to register. For questions, please contact Missions Director Abby Mandel at amandel@gmjf.org or 786.866.8436.