Jun 9, 2022
Miami Beach Street Named for Rabbi Solomon Schiff, z”l

On Friday, June 10, a great spiritual and community leader, Rabbi Solomon Schiff, z”l, was memorialized with a Miami Beach street named in his honor. The street, previously located at 2100 Meridian Way, was renamed Rabbi Solomon Schiff Way by the Miami Beach City Commission in a special ceremony. Schiff was former Director of Federation’s Community Chaplaincy Service, former Executive Director of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, a Founding Member of the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, as well as a nationally recognized rabbi highly committed to a wide range of issues including interfaith relations, human services, Holocaust education and much more. President and CEO of Federation Jacob Solomon said, "Whatever his title, Rabbi Schiff was the rabbi of our entire community. He was a teacher, a storyteller, an ambassador of goodwill on behalf of the Jewish people, a crusader for justice, a fighter against antisemitism and bigotry, and a source of wisdom and comfort for countless people throughout our community – Jews and Gentiles, alike. Mostly though, he was a friend and I miss him very much."