Jun 14, 2022
Miami’s Young Adults Enjoy a Memorable Birthright Israel Trip

Rafting on the Jordan River, hiking in the Upper Galilee, visiting with the Ethiopian-Israeli community in Pardes Channa/Karkur… these are some of the highlights of Federation’s Young Leadership Division (YLD) Birthright Israel trip. With 31 Miami-area participants exploring our Jewish homeland alongside four of their Israeli counterparts, the trip provided memories to last a lifetime. “I am so appreciative for the opportunity to travel to Israel on Birthright,” said Danielle Spiegelman, 28. “I enjoyed meeting members of the Pardes Channa community and seeing Federation’s impact and continued partnership come to life. We welcomed Shabbat at the Kotel, praying with thousands in an unforgettable and meaningful religious experience.” In Pardes Channa/Karkur, the group saw a gojo (traditional hut) and community garden, shared traditional food in a jebena buna (coffee ceremony) and met with a religious leader in the Ethiopian community who shared his aliyah story. For more information about YLD or to get involved, click here.