Dec 7, 2022
Saul Schottenstein Grocery Gift Cards Offer Help With Dignity

Committed to the power of tikkun olam (repairing the world), Saul Schottenstein, z"l, demonstrated his devotion to the Jewish community by creating a lasting philanthropic legacy that has helped thousands of individuals and families in Miami facing food insufficiency. This week, in advance of the first night of Chanukah, clients of Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS) Kosher Food Bank received grocery gift cards along with their regular food packages, allowing them to add something special to their holiday celebrations. This thoughtful act, provided by the Saul Schottenstein Foundation, allows them to shop with dignity and ensures the holiday reflects their family's traditions, despite the challenges they may be facing. The program also provides grocery gift cards during the summer and in advance of Passover and the High Holidays. Saul Schottenstein was a WWII veteran and a leader in both charitable and business endeavors. We remain grateful for his philanthropy, which continues to touch hundreds of lives every year. JCS is the Greater Miami Jewish Federation's primary human services organization.