Nov 23, 2021
The Saul Schottenstein Foundation Helps Local Families Celebrate Chanukah

Thanks to the generous legacy of Saul Schottenstein, individuals and families facing food insufficiency will have something special to include in their Chanukah celebration. Within the food packages distributed by Jewish Community Services of South Florida Kosher Food Bank, clients will also receive a grocery gift card to purchase some of their favorite items for the holiday. This thoughtful act, provided by the Saul Schottenstein Foundation, allows them to shop with dignity and make the holiday reflective of their family's traditions. As our community continues to face the repercussions of COVID-19, this type of philanthropy is especially meaningful. The program also provides grocery cards during the summer and in advance of Passover and the High Holidays. Saul Schottenstein, z"l, was a WWII veteran and a leader in both charitable and business endeavors. He is fondly remembered for his humility and devotion to Jewish causes. We remain grateful for his philanthropy, which continues to touch hundreds of lives every year.