Aug 25, 2021
L’Shanah Tovah 5782!

A High Holiday Message from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
The High Holiday season invites each of us to reflect on our individual and shared experiences of the past year and advance our better selves in the year to come. The blasts of the Shofar awaken us from our spiritual slumber and call us toward a higher purpose. The year, Rosh Hashanah evokes a unique sense of poignancy as we contemplate the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the destruction wrought by a war between Israel and Hamas, a violent increase of global antisemitism and the tragic loss of life in the Surfside building collapse. As we enter the new year, we do so with a somber appreciation of the fragility of life. Yet, the unprecedented outpouring of support and volunteerism we experienced in response to these challenges also serves as an inspiration. Together, our wonderful community has responded to the most dangerous health threat in a century; we have offered consolation to the bereaved and we are helping to rebuild lives shattered by misfortune. The inexaustible generosity of our community, united in our collective sense of compassion and responsibility, is indeed something for which we should all be grateful. Read more.